Dear Satish Jantli

Certification in IT Project Management (CITPM)
The Leading IT Project Management Credential 
(Enrolment is open from now till 31 May 2023)
The Certification in IT Project Management (CITPM) is a widely recognised and de-facto standard for IT project management competence and professionalism. It is a highly coveted certification programme that is designed for those who are involved in IT project management and wish to have their competencies assessed. 
Be recognised for your IT project management skills and attain the CITPM professional recognition with the submission of a dossier for the purpose of demonstrating the professional competence in the practical development of the project you have undertaken. 
The criteria for certification are:
  • CITPM (Associate): Minimum 3 years of experience in IT Project Management; Managed project of at least $500,000 or project team size of 3 person-years

  • CITPM: Minimum 8 years of experience in IT with 4 years in IT Project Management; Managed project of at least $1 million or project team size of 5 person-years
Verifiable Digital Credentials for SCS Certified Professionals! 
All SCS certified professionals will receive a verifiable certificate and badge (in opencert format) which can be shared with ease on social media platforms such as LinkedIn. These verifiable credentials will add to your credibility and standing as a IT project management professional.

Contact SCS Certification Secretariat at or click here for the application form.

Best regards
Singapore Computer Society

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Bring your career to the next level and boost your career opportunities with the Certification in IT Project Management (CITPM).

Aligned to Skills Framework for ICT, CITPM is the most widely-recognised standard benchmark for IT project management competence and professionalism in the public-private nexus locally and regionally.

Enrolment is open now till 31 May 2023.

Ngiam Siew Ying
Chief Executive Officer
Integrated Health Information Systems (IHiS
iHiS believes strongly in investing in the continued growth and development of our healthtech professionals. Globally recognised programmes like CITPM and COMIT play an important role in helping us achieve mastery in project management that is key to our success in delivering public healthcare transformation through innovative technology. Our teams oversee the entire life cycle of technology programmes, and the accreditations give our healthcare partners greater assurance and confidence that we can reach our Healthier SG goals together.
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